月曜日, 10月 02, 2017

■ 10月2日のツイート -> http://twilog.org/tatsuh/date-171002

■ 10月2日のツイート -> http://twilog.org/tatsuh/date-171002:

Quote of the Day: “Man is a creature who lives not upon bread alone, but primarily by catchwords.” - Robert Louis Stevenson

posted at 14:11:13

The latest デイリー tatsuh! paper.li/tatsuh?edition… #thisweek #英語

posted at 11:07:19

from Tatsuh(@tatsuh) - Twilog

from blog “ DはデジタルのD ”
from Tumblr https://tatsuh.tumblr.com/post/165962261215

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