土曜日, 4月 08, 2017

■ 4月8日のツイート -> http://twilog.org/tatsuh/date-170408

A visual guide to the US missile strikes on a Syrian airbase | World news | The Guardian www.theguardian.com/world/2017/apr…

posted at 19:04:09

The latest デイリー tatsuh! paper.li/tatsuh?edition… #thisweek #arcticimperatives

posted at 11:07:21

from Tatsuh(@tatsuh) - Twilog

from Blog: http://tatsuh.hatenablog.jp/entry/2017/04/08/203257
from Tumblr https://tatsuh.tumblr.com/post/159334261535

A visual guide to the US missile strikes on a Syrian airbase | World news | The Guardian

A visual guide to the US missile strikes on a Syrian airbase | World news | The Guardian
from Tumblr https://tatsuh.tumblr.com/post/159332696060