日曜日, 10月 09, 2016

CNN: Timing of leaked tape could be “death knell" - Trending 10/7/2016 | Merriam-Webster

CNN: Timing of leaked tape could be “death knell" - Trending 10/7/2016 | Merriam-Webster:

オンライン ウェブスター辞書で何がトレンドの単語か?という記事。

各メディアは、トランプの、この女性蔑視、セクハラ発言がdeath knell(葬式の鐘)かもしれないと伝えている。

“A just-released private conversation recorded in 2005 by “Access Hollywood” revealed Donald Trump’s apparently proud description, in graphic and vulgar language, of both his attempted seduction of a married woman and how he objectifies, gropes, and kisses women in general. Death knell was looked up by many people, because it was used in some of the press coverage of the recording, ”

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