水曜日, 4月 18, 2018

■ 4月18日のツイート -> http://twilog.org/tatsuh/date-180418

■ 4月18日のツイート -> http://twilog.org/tatsuh/date-180418:

NASAからの自動画像投稿 Sounding Rocket Launches CHESS Mission to Study the Matter Between Stars www.nasa.gov/image-feature/… pic.twitter.com/TgG1WFsU0W

posted at 02:25:20

from Tatsuh(@tatsuh) - Twilog

from blog “ DはデジタルのD ”
from Tumblr https://tatsuh.tumblr.com/post/173036051240

NASAからの自動画像投稿 Sounding Rocket Launches CHESS Mission to Study...

NASAからの自動画像投稿 Sounding Rocket Launches CHESS Mission to Study the Matter Between Stars http://www.nasa.gov/image-feature/sounding-rocket-launches-chess-mission-to-study-the-matter-between-stars

from Tumblr https://tatsuh.tumblr.com/post/173034232415