土曜日, 7月 21, 2018

mikietsang: Perfume - Let Me Know (Radio ver.) 完全に生声


Perfume - Let Me Know (Radio ver.)



チコちゃんに叱られる! - NHK

チコちゃんに叱られる! - NHK:

> 地域 : 東京 受信料の窓口 BSメッセージ消去 よくご覧になる地域を選択してください。 選択した地域の「番組表」が自動的に表示されます。 現在設定中の 地域 : 東京 文字サイズ 総合 毎週金曜 午後7時57分 | 再放送 毎週土曜 午前8時15分 総合 毎週金曜 午後7時57分 | 再放送 毎週土曜 午前8時15分…

本日のアクティビティ(2018/07/14 12:25:01)

本日のネット アクティビティ 2018/07/12 06:19:07 コメントはこちらへ buff.ly/2mghwS6 NASAから   The Heart of Madagascar buff.ly/2mfIeup buff.ly/2mdHOED posted at 06:19:07 go.nasa.gov/2zvooVh buff.ly/2mdsR5x buff.ly/2mghwS6 posted at 12:25:01

本日のネット アクティビティ 2018/07/10 00:26:11 コメントはこちらへ buff.ly/2NPspXx NASAから   A Closer View of the Moon buff.ly/2KJQVeX buff.ly/2NOGq86 posted at 00:26:11 go.nasa.gov/2NBJQe8 buff.ly/2NPsvOT buff.ly/2NPspXx posted at 07:52:00

NASAから    Jamming with the ‘Spiders’ from Mars go.nasa.gov/2LeDMdv pic.twitter.com/JAo2QjuC0b

posted at 01:19:21

tatsuh.tumblr.com/post/175848975…ボーっと生きててなにが悪い-このブログ記事を読んでボーとしてました posted at 00:38:22


from WordPress http://bit.ly/2miRu0Q


アマゾン プライム・ビデオの誤発注のキャンセルができない!

ふと気づくとなぜかアマゾンのプライム・ビデオでレンタルと購入を発注してしまっていました(^ ^;)






■ amazonへの 電話問い合わせ(というか、電話での問い合わせを依頼するとアマゾンから電話がかかってくる)





アマゾン プライム・ビデオ


from WordPress http://bit.ly/2JqLa0l

株式会社オーディオテクニカ|一般製品|AT33PTG mc

株式会社オーディオテクニカ|一般製品|AT33PTG mc:

> MC型(デュアルムービングコイル)ステレオカートリッジ 受注生産 AT33PTG (税抜 ¥40,000.) 生産完了 35 周 年 記 念 モ デ ル PCOCC:Pure Copper by Ohno Continuous Casting process (単結晶状高純度無酸素銅) 6N=99.99996%…

‘I Can’t Breathe’ Video of Indigenous Australian’s Prison Death Stirs Outrage

‘I Can’t Breathe’ Video of Indigenous Australian’s Prison Death Stirs Outrage:

> The video was shown at the first day of an inquest into the death of a 26-year-old prisoner with schizophrenia and asthma.

格差の収束、反転する懸念 イアン・ブレマー氏

格差の収束、反転する懸念 イアン・ブレマー氏:

> 有料会員限定 [有料会員限定] 記事 今月の閲覧本数: 1 本 登録会員の方は月 10 本まで閲覧できます。 /async/async.do/?a=31&ae=P_KJ_SILVERKIJIETSURANHONSU_V2&af=1&ag=201807170715&sv=NX 格差の収束、反転する懸念 イアン・ブレマー氏…

メディアマーカー落ちているもよう2018/7/10 17時

メディアマーカー - mediamarker.net





「なくなって、わかるサーバの、重要さ」(川柳にもなっておりません(^_^; )


from WordPress http://bit.ly/2mv3gVO

mikietsang: Perfume - Let Me Know (Radio ver.)


Perfume - Let Me Know (Radio ver.)

robertreich: THE FOG OF TRUMPTrump uses 5 tactics to create a...



Trump uses 5 tactics to create a fog of confusion and bewilderment, so we don’t pay attention to the real damage he’s doing – undermining our democracy; rewarding the rich and hurting the working class, middle class, and the poor; stoking hatefulness; and undercutting America’s standing in the world. 

1. His first tactic is to distract us – dominate the news with tweets and rants, accusations, who he’s fired, who he’s insulted, what he’s demanded. He wants us to be so preoccupied with all this that we lose sight of the big picture.

2. His second tactic is to divide and conquer, pitting groups against each other, riling up his base, stoking racial tensions, and vilifying opponents. He targets transgender people in the military. Goes after athletes – mostly black – who won’t stand for the anthem. Fuels fears of immigrants and foreigners, of liberals and Democrats. This way, public dialogue and discussion becomes so angry, bitter, and vitriolic that we end up shouting at each other instead of seeing the damage Trump is actually doing.  

3. His third tactic is to lie and distort. He generates a torrent of “alternative facts” so we become disoriented and confused. Asserting that 3 to 5 million people fraudulently voted for Hillary Clinton in the last election, with no evidence they did. That unauthorized immigrants are responsible for a disproportionate number of murders and rapes. That climate change isn’t caused by people. His goal is for us to lose confidence in the truth so we can’t be sure of what he’s doing.  

4. Fourth: conjure up conspiracies. He fuels paranoia about a “deep state” that’s intent on removing him from office, engaged in a “witch hunt” to undermine him, plotting to impeach him. But he never identifies who or what this “deep state” actually is. The mere assertion of a conspiracy is enough to generate suspicion, erode trust in the political system and in the media, and sow doubts about anyone who criticizes him or any findings that could show he acted illegally. 

5. Fifth and finally: accuse the accusers. He alleges that others are doing what he is in fact doing. When the media catch him in a lie, he accuses them of disseminating fake news. He allows corporate lobbyists to run departments and agencies, and then accuses critics of being part of the Washington swamp. He seeks to cover up whatever he and his aides did with Russian operatives, and then accuses investigators of a being involved in a coverup. 

These 5 tactics are all designed to hide what Trump is actually doing so we don’t mobilize against him. Be aware. Don’t allow Trump’s fog to cloud the truth.

NASAから    At Tranquility Base https://go.nasa.gov/2mv1ioj

  At Tranquility Base https://go.nasa.gov/2mv1ioj