土曜日, 4月 09, 2016


4月9日のツイート -> http://twilog.org/tatsuh/date-160409

デイリー tatsuh is out! paper.li/tatsuh?edition…

posted at 11:10:10

気になる記事 - ■ Watch Charlie Rose: Ian Bremmer Online | Hulu: 気になる記事 - ■ Watch Charlie Rose: Ian Bremmer Online | … bit.ly/23jf5zP

posted at 10:26:24

気になる記事 - ■ Watch Charlie Rose: Ian Bremmer Online | Hulu www.hulu.com/watch/794605 ー “”

posted at 09:44:10

読んだ記事■ Watch Charlie Rose: Ian Bremmer Online | Hulu www.hulu.com/watch/794605 “”

posted at 09:30:15

気になる記事 - ■ A Trilateral on the Mend: 気になる記事 - ■ A Trilateral on the Mend: ー“For the second time, President Bar… bit.ly/23qiaL6

posted at 08:16:03

気になる記事 - ■ A Trilateral on the Mend blogs.cfr.org/asia/2016/04/0… ー “For the second time, President Barack Obama brought together President Par…

posted at 07:36:20

Instaparser API - instapaper: Today, we’re very excited to announce the launch of the Instaparser API…. tmblr.co/ZJMEKy24iTl6Q

posted at 07:00:09

問題のとらえ方が違うのでは・・RT@YoshitoHoriふーーん、「格差が行き過ぎている」と朝日新聞などのメディアに洗脳されている若者が59%もいるんだね。日本は、諸外国に比べて努力が報われる社会だと思うけどね。… tmblr.co/ZJMEKy24iTKce

posted at 06:57:34

from tatsuh Hashimoto(@tatsuh) - Twilog

via Tumblr http://tatsuh.tumblr.com/post/142503567425

気になる記事 - ■ Watch Charlie Rose: Ian Bremmer Online | Hulu

気になる記事 - ■ Watch Charlie Rose: Ian Bremmer Online | Hulu:


via Tumblr http://tatsuh.tumblr.com/post/142486402600

気になる記事 - ■ A Trilateral on the Mend

気になる記事 - ■ A Trilateral on the Mend:

“For the second time, President Barack Obama brought together President Park Geun-hye and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe for a trilateral summit on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit.”

via Tumblr http://tatsuh.tumblr.com/post/142480973710

Instaparser API


Today, we’re very excited to announce the launch of the Instaparser API. Instaparser is a new API that gives developers access to the same parsing tools we use for the Instapaper service.


Since the launch of our new parser in January, we’ve gotten lots of inquiries from developers about using our parser for third-party applications. With the new Instaparser API, app developers can use our parsing tools to provide users with a lightning-fast browsing experience optimized for mobile devices. Data scientists can use the tools to normalize input for text analysis. And hackers can do, well, whatever hackers might like to do with lightning-fast access to clean, standardized web page data.


The Instaparser service offers three APIs, with more to follow in the coming months:

  • The Article API is a comprehensive parse of all body text, images, and videos associated with the content. This is the API Instapaper uses to optimize how websites are displayed on mobile devices.
  • The Text API extracts just the body text of the page, which is particularly useful for natural language processing, sentiment analysis, and other text-based analysis.
  • The Document API lets you upload your HTML directly to parse content that isn’t publicly viewable or is behind a paywall.

Access to all three of the above APIs is included in all of the Instaparser plans, which are tiered to accommodate different volume requirements. In addition to our free trial, we offer three plans:

  • Beta Plan: $99/month for 100,000 calls per month with a rate limit of 5 calls per second.
  • Live Plan: $399/month for 500,000 calls per month with a rate limit of 25 calls per second.
  • Scale Plan: $699/month for 1 million calls per month with a rate limit of 50 calls per second.

There is no long-term commitment required, so you can change plans or cancel at any time.

A full overview of each plan is available at the Instaparser Plans page. If you’d like to try out Instaparser for free, sign up for our Trial plan. If you need larger capacity and service level agreements for the Instaparser service, please contact us at support@instaparser.com.


Instaparser is already in use by Fast Forward Labs, Dexter, Digg, and, of course, Instapaper. We’re excited to open the API to everyone to see what you’ll build. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to reach us at support@instaparser.com or comment below.

- Instapaper Team

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