NASAから Astronauts Anne McClain and Serena Auñón-Chancellor Work Aboard the Station https://go.nasa.gov/2QrcSCt
NASAから ICESat-2 Reveals Profile of Ice Sheets https://go.nasa.gov/2G99bwt
NASAから Viewing the Approach of SpaceX’s Dragon to the Space Station https://go.nasa.gov/2RM36Y4
NASAから Astronaut Anne McClain’s First Voyage to the Space Station https://go.nasa.gov/2AW6Krc
NASAから New Research, Hardware Headed to Space Station https://go.nasa.gov/2Pno5i7
NASAから Researching Supersonic Flight https://go.nasa.gov/2QemiRq
NASAから Newest Crew Launches for the International Space Station https://go.nasa.gov/2Eb8SPQ
(役員報酬開示の闇:日経ビジネスDigitalから) この西川さんという人も、4億円ぐらいもらっているのね
NASAから A ‘BrainStorm Trooper’ Inquires About NASA Exploration https://go.nasa.gov/2RnZXxn